What Christmas means for your Breaker Box

What Christmas means for your Breaker Box

Every year, there is always that neighbor that goes all out during Christmas. The huge Santa Claus balloon with an adornment of magical lights on their ginger bread shape home always attracts our attention as we drive by. One person in the car may ask, ¨I wonder how much that costs? ¨

You may actually be the person we talk about OR you may want to be the next high-lighted home in the neighborhood.

How much does it cost?

If you have your electrical bill handy first find out how much you pay per kilo-watt hour to get an accurate price. However, according to EnergyStar the average price of electricity is about 11.3 cents per kilo-watt hour.

Here is your formula:

  • Find out how much wattage you will be using
  • Multiply 0.001 to find out the kilo-watt hour
  • Multiply 5 hours a day to find kwh/day
  • Multiply 30 days to find kwh/season
  • Multiply 11.3 cents, or your actual cost according to your electrical bill to get your final cost.

Some Saving Tips that Add Up

Putting up Christmas lights on your front lawn, takes good planning. Try to incorporate Timers in your Christmas lights. You can get them in your Dollar Tree or Dollar General Store close by as it can prevent you from forgetting to turn off the lights during the day. Get more extension cords instead of buying the longest light strings to cover your desired area. Place the light strings on only the exposed focal points of your Christmas lawn decoration and place the extension cords in the unseen areas. Many don´t think about this, but making sure you pair the timers and extension cords to the same amperage capacities will help you save too.

Beautiful Christmas lights display in Southern Maryland

Make your Home the Best with Less!

To be honest, most of us are those envious neighbors and just down play it by negatively commenting on how much they are spending on those lights. However, the truth is not now! Not now, when you have LED LIGHTS! Check out the blog on your guide to energy efficient bulbs to learn more.

With LED lights, they consume 80-90% less energy than incandescent bulbs. While incandescent bulbs last 3,000 hours, your LED can last up to 100,000 hours. LED is the way to go and is the only way to shine bright during Christmas and pay less.

If you are going to make your home the best on your street consider the cost of some typical items you would use for your roof, yard, driveway and wrapping of trees comparing the use of incandescent bulbs verses LED lights. Using these items will definitely make many stop their cars for a moment to admire the light show.

Incandescent Watts LED Watts
800 feet C9 String on Roof 5,600 768
500 feet C) String in Yard 3,500 480
10 strings for light tree 408 48
15 strings for walkway tree 612 72
30 strings wrapping 2 trees 1,224 144
150´spool of rope light 378 120
95 Icicle lights 6,056 458
5 motifs 554 277
Total 18,332 = $310.73 2,369 = $40.15


Smart Planning is your Savings

In the past year, if your circuit breaker kept tripping or you blew some fuses that means you didn´t plan well where you hooked up your lights. Keep in mind this time, your Christmas light wattage and amps.

In a home, an electrical circuit can have a few plug outlets. If you are attaching your Christmas lighting to the same circuit where bigger appliances get electricity from that can be a reason why you are tripping your breakers.

So when you start shopping for your Christmas lights start considering the maximum watt capacity of your string lights and the maximum watt capacity of your house circuit where you plan on plugging your lights.

  • Most homes have circuits of 15 or 20 amps
  • 20 amp circuits support 2,400 watts and it is recommended to never exceed 80% of its capacity, so your limit would be 1,920 max watts
  • A 15 amp circuit can support 1,800 watts, so you can have up to 1,440 watts on that circuit.

When you understand the wattage and amp current, you will save on repair costs and most of all prevent your light show from becoming an explosion.

Start Planning!

Time flies and before you know it you will start hearing Christmas in the air in the radio or in the mall. Start looking for the right kind of LED lights so you can be the next home that everyone stares at in Southern Maryland!


Your Guide to Energy Efficient Light Bulbs in 2017

Your Guide to Energy Efficient Light Bulbs in 2017

Lighting is very important in our lives as it can affect our moods. Installing beautiful light fixtures to a home adds accent and flavor to a room. You may call our Maryland Electrician Pros to install a light fixture and if so, they can also guide you about light bulbs. If you don´t choose the right kind of bulbs you may be spending more on energy bills and replacing them often.

Let´s consider the more modern light bulbs in our day that can light up your room perfectly, can avoid you from empty pockets and most of all,  can contribute to making your home more a positive green one!

LED LIGHTING is the way to go!

LED stands for Light Emitting Diodes. These light bulbs are absolutely energy efficient. Manufacturers have evolved the use of LED lights by joining the single bulb use to making clusters we see in flashlights and headlamps. LED is one directional lighting as incandescent bulbs have light spread spherically. LED is fantastic for underneath cabinet lighting but not for table lamps. However, LED designers have further evolved to solve this limitation by putting diffusers and reflectors to spread the light like an incandescent bulb.

Check out the benefits

  • LED lighting lasts longer than your basic incandescent bulbs. It can last up to 10 times longer than compact fluorescents.
  • You can save more as LED lighting does not cause heat build-up, which means, less cost on your air conditioning.
  • They are strong against any kind of movement that would easily damage your typical incandescent bulb because they are solid.
  • No mercury is used to make LED lights
  • LED lights only use 2-17 watts of electricity, which is 1/3rd to 1/30th of incandescent bulbs or CFL bulbs. Using LED bulbs in your home´s light fixtures, will save you on electricity, money and will keep your home cool.
  • You will get your money back. It may seem expensive to pay for light bulbs but in the end, over time you will get even more back since it will last longer; save you money and you would not be replacing the light bulbs as often if you would have resorted to your typical light bulbs.

What to look for

Every year, there are new styles to choose from as the lighting industry keeps pace with new technology. When you shop for your LED light bulbs, there are a few things to consider.

In hallways that have no natural light flow to spaces where you do, you will have to keep in mind how much brightness you would want. Most commonly, many use wattage to measure bulb illumination; for example a 9W LED would be equivalent to a 45 W incandescent bulb. The more recent method to compare illumination is Lumens, which is perceived brightness. When the lumen is rated higher it means the bulb is brighter.

More efficiently, there are LED lights that are a 3-way bulb. This bulb eliminates your 30, 60 to 75-watt incandescent bulb and consumes 80% less power! Plus, it is omnidirectional, meaning the lighting would be the same like using an incandescent bulb.

  • You can choose from warm light which is for accent lighting or cool light, which is for working light.
  • You can also choose light bulbs for places you want to have a dimmer.
  • Remember when paying cheap you get cheap. Please do not buy cheap bulbs as they will need to be replaced almost immediately because they use low-quality chips.
  • Most of all, look for certifications! For example: FCC, Energy Star or UL
  • LED lights have different styles to offer for many different functions. They also come in different colors like: red, green, blue, white and amber.


There are so many home expenses to think about and many do forget about light bulbs. However, from now on you know light bulbs have a huge factor on your energy expenses. We often forget to turn off the lights when we are done occupying a living space. But remember, electrical lighting contributes to about 25% of the average home energy budget. LED lights are the way to go as it can offer you the same affects as an incandescent light bulb but with more lasting benefits. No doubt it will light up your life!




What to do when you see a Downed Power Line

What to do when you see a Downed Power Line

Southern Maryland is no surprise to downed power lines. You never know, you might be the lucky one that has to deal with it on the road or you might be the only outsider that can help. Obviously, this is not something to handle recklessly.

Here are some tips to call to mind if this not so favorable situation just happens to land on your lap:

Landed on Lucy

¨What the %&$?! Just happened? A power line just landed on Lucy!¨

Ok, try to calm down. Your first reaction is to get out of your car and check for how much damage just occurred to your baby. But that technically can be a total fatal move.

What to do:

  1. Stay Put – Only if your car is not burning with flames. The power lines can charge your car with electrical current and so if you get out, Lucy will actually be saying goodbye to you. Make sure you communicate quickly to any passengers to not move as one faulty touch can affect everyone.
  2. Do not touch the inside of the car- any part of the car frame should be avoided so keep your hands to yourself.
  3. Call for help – Use your cell phone to call 911 and follow their specific instructions
  4. Outsiders cannot touch the car- Make sure you use all efforts to get the message across for passerby´s not to touch your car. If you happen to not carry a cell phone ask them to call for you.
  5. Don’t worry, your almost safe – Once the police arrive, leave it to them to solve the problem and follow their instructions until they tell you, you can exit your car.

Power pole falls in front of a Southern Maryland residents´car.

The Roof is on Fire

What to do:

  1. Is it a real fire or just exhaust – Smoke won’t disappear quickly but exhaust will fade into the air. Obviously, if you see flames, get out!!
  2. Open the door with only touching plastic frame of the door. The metal parts of the car will be charge with electricity so it is absolutely important that you don´t touch any metal parts to avoid electrocution.
  3. Jump out of the car – You cannot step out of the car as usual. Bring your legs together and have them tucked towards your body. Turn your body in a way that your feet do not touch the metal framing at the bottom. Cross your arms to make your body as small as possible so you are ready to jump out.
  4. How to jump – As your legs are together, jump out of the car and land both feet on the ground at the same time to reduce your chances of getting electrocuted. Your body should be in the air when you jump out of the car.
  5. Hop away – hop as fast as you can, keeping both feet on the ground at the same time. Making sure your feet touch the ground at the same time avoids being electrocuted.
  6. 50 feet to 15.2 M away – once you are about 50 feet away from the car call 911. Follow their instructions and make sure other observers don´t approach the car as you keep your distance away from the car.

Be the Samaritan

If you are the witness of what just happened, there are things you can do. First of all, keep your distance away from the car, about 50 feet away. Your safety is first priority from helping others. Start yelling to the person in the vehicle and make sure they know they should not touch anything and to stay in the car if there are no flames. Assure them quickly that police is coming as you start making the call. If the car is on fire, give them instructions of how to jump out of the car to avoid being electrocuted. Also, assure them the police are coming so they try not to go into panic mode.  If there are other bystanders, make sure they know not to approach the car. Once you talk to the police and relay the details wait for arrival before you decide to leave the scene.

Smart Reaction is the Key

In situations like these, it is very important you try to keep calm and to remember the car can be easily charged with electricity. Keeping in good communication with other car passengers will help keep the situation non-fatal. We hope it doesn’t happen to you, but it is also beneficial to know what to do if your the one who draws the red straw.



Things to do in Mechanicsville Maryland

Things to do in Mechanicsville Maryland

I have lived in Mechanicsville for years. It’s true, I didn’t grow up here. I moved from Michigan when we got married. At first Mechanicsville didn’t impress me. I was comparing it to “home.” It’s never fair to compare. In Michigan you’re surrounded by lakes everywhere you turn.  It’s a tourist area.  But once I opened my eyes to the area around me in Mechanicsville I saw its incomparable beauty and the uniqueness of what it has to offer. So from the eyes of someone who was NOT born here, here is what I love about Mechanicsville:

  • The farms – Mechanicsville used to be all farms. Although there may not be as many now because of “progress,” Mechanicsville still has roads that are surrounded by farm land.  It’s a peaceful spot. And it’s not just that there’s farms. It’s how they farm. Mechanicsville still has a small Amish population.  Drive down Rt 236 or Rt 6 and you can see them plowing the fields with a team of 4 or 6 Clydesdales, little kids with their cute straw hats following behind. It really helps you slow your pace, reminisce about the way things used to be, and think about the important things.
  • Fresh grown produce – I love being minutes from fresh produce! The Mennonites, Amish, and local farmers set up stands and sell what they’ve grown on their land. Sometimes, you will be driving and all of a sudden pass a home made roadside stand of vegetables with a sigh “FREE.  THE HONOR SYSTEM.” It makes you do a u turn. Zucchini, yellow squash, watermelon, corn on the cob, tomatoes, berries, peaches, onions, potatoes, cucumbers and more! We love Mechanicsville’s growing season!
  • Reasonable weather – This one makes lots of sense if you are familiar with anything about Michigan. I grew up 45 minutes from the U.P. so I am used to snow. In fact, I LOVE snow. I miss it. But, that doesn’t mean that I don’t acknowledge the HASSLE of snow! Mechanicsville has a very mild winter. It’s mostly clouds and rain. About once a winter it may get below 10 degrees.  It really does make life easier when you don’t have to store an extra set of tires all year long for winter, have a second closet of bulky clothes, and worry about getting up an hour early for work just to scrap your car off of a foot of snow.  Spring and summer are lovely. 70-80 degrees. Occasionally it does get a little too hot, but that’s my excuse for “a beach day!” And now, all my friends want to come visit me and escape the MI winter tundra. Win again!
  • Southern manners – If ever you catch yourself thinking “Really? Maryland is a southern state?” it only takes one visit here to be convinced. According to geography, Maryland is technically a “southern” state by virtue of being below the Mason-Dixon Line.  But that is not the part that convinced me, mostly because I didn’t know where or what the Mason-Dixon Line was before I moved here.  St. Mary’s County has a southern charm.  I have visited other towns like Savannah that the southern charm “look.”  Mechanicsville doesn’t have the “look.” The people have the southern charm.  I have never had the door opened for me as many times as I have here. In fact, it is such a normal thing now that it stands out if someone does NOT open a door for you. People always speak to one another. Good morning, hi, how are you, good to see you, have a good day.  Mechanicsville is home to a friendly bunch of people.  They bring the southern charm to Mechanicsville!

A Guest Blog by Jennifer G. a friend of Kevin Copsey (who was born here!)


How to wire an electric water heater

How to wire an electric water heater

The time has arrived when you start planning your awesome backyard barbeques with family and friends as the change of warmer weather lures you to enjoy the fresh outdoor air of Southern Maryland. You invited company that lives quite a few hours away and prepared rooms for them to stay a night or so. A few came with a new born this year and you realized you’re getting older as your cousin’s son greets you with his changed voice and gives you a hug at the same eye level. You planned this weekend weeks ago that you even went out of county to Costco or Sam´s Club to refill on stock so you don´t need to go out often during the weekend. At dusk, you start a barn fire to keep the chatter until the wee hours. The next day you get up to shower but as you turn the knob you get a rude awakening of COLD WATER!
What the heck! Did we just run out of hot water? As you get out of the shower and head to the water heater tank you hear screams throughout the hallway. You thought it could just be the over flow of the demand of hot water but in time you realized something else it wrong. You look it up on YouTube and you find many tutorials on hot water tanks. Do you attempt a DIY?

Re-Wire it Yourself?

You realize that it´s not the tank but there´s something wrong with the electrical current. Can you just troubleshoot the electric water heater? Unless you are an electrician go for it; however there are huge safety concerns to be aware of before touching any wire that conducts heat, surrounded by water and has a 240 voltage that can cause your awesome weekend into an unforgettable death in the family. The most reasonable and lifesaving decision you can make is to call The Southern Maryland Electrician Pros who can come in and make sure you get your hot water back.

More than Meets the Eye

A water heater tank has different electrical components that only a professional serviceman should look into it. The basics would obviously be your breaker and your reset buttons on the tank. If it’s tripped, those are definitely more reasons for you to leave it to the professionals.
Regular water heaters are on a 30 amp two pole breaker and the two poles means it is stated 240 volts with usually a number 10 wire since frequently the panel is not so far from the water heater. Most electric water heaters with two elements are factory wired so that one element would heat at a time. The thermostat above would control when the lower element would heat. Now there are options of wiring a hot water heater so simultaneously both elements can run at the same time. This would reduce the time to wait and give out more hot water. However you would need more amps and heavier wire. If this sounds a bit of too much jargon, than it is another sign to call for help.
Your Electrician would have to look at a few different areas to get an accurate diagnosis. He would have to check if the breaker in the panel is functioning than check if there is power to the water heater using voltage testers. Next he would check if the Reset button was functioning and if they keep tripping then something else is wrong. It could be the thermostats or the elements. The water heater elements are the ones that actually heat up the water and most likely the ones that cause problems. When the upper element goes bad you have no hot water and when the lower element fails you will have minimal hot water. So the elements are a huge part of re-wiring or wiring an electric water heater. Your electrician can test if the elements are bad. Additionally, the thermostats are part of wiring an electric water heater. They tell the elements when to fire up the water and have an upper and lower thermostat. Most of the time it is set-up to work separately as only one element is allowed to heat at a time. The thermostat above is the controller, permitting the upper element to heat and then the lower element. When the upper thermostat doesn’t work you will get no hot water at all but if the lower thermostat starts acting up you have very little hot water.
As you can see, trying to do it on your own can be super complicated when there are many factors with the electrical connections throughout a hot water tank. It is best to let an electrician come in as they know all the areas to watch for and they have the tools to test every item related to wires. They have the eye of the tiger and you do not.

The Newer, the Better

On average, a household for a couple would approximately need a 30-40 gallon water heater as homes with five or more persons would need about 50-80 gallons. However one thing to keep in mind is when the tank puts out more hot water than the household demand. You can be wasting money hourly and energy. If you are considering of changing the whole system, Tankless water heaters can avoid unnecessary cost, take up minimal space and give you hot water very quickly. Even if one is considering of installing on their own a new water heater tank it would be wise to keep the wiring installation to someone who has years of experience. If the wiring is done incorrectly you will be paying for it every day from your family members and be paying the big bucks to get it fixed frequently.
There is such a refreshing clean feeling when you come out of a hot shower. Whether it be before you sleep or when you start your day, having a hot shower is a need not a want. So please leave the wiring to the Southern Maryland Electrician Pros. They are called Pros for a reason.

How to Wire a Ceiling Fan

How do I wire a Ceiling Fan?

You want a ceiling fan? That’s a great idea and there are a variety of styles out there that can be just perfect for your home. Ceiling fans do not lower a rooms temperature or take humidity from the air. However you can save a lot more energy and money long term when you can turn off the air conditioning or raise the thermostat a bit higher and leave the rest to the ceiling fan. You can save approximately 3 to 5 percent on AC costs for each degree you raise the thermostat and when you turn on the ceiling fan it can make you feel 4 degrees Fahrenheit cooler. Better yet, you save more as ceiling fans work to cool you instead of the room so you can turn it off when you leave.
Now that you went out and bought your ceiling fan, let´s wire it!


First and foremost, TURN OFF power to the existing light fixture at your circuit box and make sure there is no current using a circuit tester. Also put the wall switches on the off position.
If the location where you are going to install the ceiling fan has separate switch controls for the fan and light, label the wires so you will know which wire goes with each function.

KEEP IN MIND: If there is a control for your fan on a wall switch, confirm that you have the right switch as a few fans only function with preset multi-speed switches. Do not use the fan with any solid-state speed control device, dimmer switch or speed change unless it is actually made to be used with a ceiling fan. Electric motors are not comparable with the same dimmer switches as light bulbs are. Also if the electrical box has wiring for separate fan and light switches and you don’t plan on installing light with your fan, trim off the bare portions of the wires for the light and wrap it with electrical tape and twist into a cap to secure the ends.

ELECTRICAL BOX: Check if the box in the ceiling is compatible with ceiling fans. You may see a fan weight rating and the box must be attached to the building structure to support the ceiling fan, be grounded or have a ground wire in the ceiling. When in doubt, just buy and install a new one to make sure it is adaptable for the ceiling fan and it´s weight. Or if you’re more in doubt, don’t hesitate to call an electrician.
For a fan with a downrod, pass the wires through the canopy trim ring, canopy and downrod. Run the wires on one side of the pin in the dowrod ball. For a flush-mount fan, pass the wires from the fan motor through the top housing, trim ring and canopy.
Downrod installation: insert the downrod into the collar yoke on the fan motor and secure it to the motor assembly following manufacturer´s instructions. Flush-mount: attach the top housing, trim ring and canopy to the fan motor assembly.
Cut and strip the fan wires if necessary according to manufacturer´s instructions.
Use a circuit tester to make sure the power is off.
Use the wire connectors to join the wires according to the manufacturer´s instructions. It can vary depending if you are wiring for two switches to have the fan and light separate or to have a single switch. No bare wire or wire filaments should be exposed after connecting the wires, except the bare or green ground wire. It is always good to secure the wire connectors with electrical tape to prevent vibration during operation.
Insert the wires into the electrical box, maintaining the green and white wires separate from the black wire. If your fan includes a light kit or a separate light switch, you will have additional wiring. You can move it on to the same side of the black wire. Once everything is attached you can start mounting the rest of the ceiling fan according to the manufacturer´s instructions.
Is it right for you?

When choosing a ceiling fan, it´s environmentally friendly to choose one that has an Energy Star label as it moves air about 20% more efficiently than your standard models. As there is not much you can do to make an electric motor more efficient than another modern motor, the main technology used to make ceiling fan motors more efficient is using brushless motors. Energy Star fans included with light kits are also about 60% more efficient and you can save more on your utility bills yearly.

It is best to install a ceiling fan in the center of the room, at minimal 7 feet above or 8-9 feet for efficient airflow. Blade tips should not be closer than 24 inches from the wall and from drapes. Each fan has specific manufacturer´s instructions so your fan will work to its optimal potential.

If you want a ceiling fan in a bathroom or outside on your ceiling closed-in patio, it would be wise to get fans that meet requirements for wet/damp ratings. Fans that are made for constant moisture or salt air are sealed with moisture-resistant motors, rust-resistant housing, stainless steel hardware and all-weather blades.

Keep it Clean

Your fans should at least be cleaned at least once a season. When it’s dirty you are losing its efficiency of air flow. A ceiling fan that is covered with dust or pollen can easily cause health risks especially when you have one in the kitchen while cooking.

No doubt adding a ceiling fan to any room just adds more comfort to your home and most of all you save a lot from your pocket.

Hire A Pro

If you live local to southern maryland or charles county and need some help, call Southern Maryland Electrician Pros and we’ll be out in a jiffy.

A day in the life of an electrician in St. Marys County Maryland

A day in the life of an electrical contractor in St. Mary’s County Maryland

Everyone loves to knock down walls, make new ones and then just cover the crooked angles with facades to end up with your new home renovation just as you wanted it. Then you just realized, ¨oh man! ¨ that switch would have been better on this side or you wished you had added an outlet here, so you could charge your iPhone as you relax on your new papasan chair. That’s when you realized having an experienced electrician in St. Mary’s County Maryland would have made your new living space actually the way it should be.
Whether it is for commercial buildings, adding a new light fixture inside or outside the house or renovations, an electrical contractor doesn´t look at the facade, he´s actually your X-Man with laser eyes who pays more attention to the blueprints. Kevin who is your local owner of Southern Maryland Electrician Pros is your experienced electrician for more than 15 years; he knows how Southerners live at home and can help you feel more right at home.

¨What do I say? ¨

When your electrician arrives to give you a free consultation and estimation, you might be thinking simple as 1, 2, and 3; not exactly. Unless you hired an interior designer you need to explain more. Most of our renovations are basically ideas we got from Pinterest and want what we see, right exactly in one area. However we are forgetting how we live in a home can be very different from others. Does one family member have to leave the door before dawn breaks? It would be wise to have a light fixture in the coat closet. Do you want a mini gym but there´s not much air circulation, so maybe installing ceiling fans close to a window could increase natural air flow as you exercise. In your large dining room, you may like to entertain your friends with a low dimmed wine and cheese night but at the same time later on, you want to play catch phrase. The daily things you do, to what you do during your leisure time at home play a huge part to where you need electricity. Having a professional local electrician understand how you live and as you show him your ideas, he can easily give recommendations that will make your renovations fully worth it in the end. Your electrician will analyze the best and safe areas to run the cables needed for your wants and he will ask as many questions needed to understand your vision. So the more you explain your thoughts and purposes, the easier it will be for your electrician to fully accommodate how you live in your home.

southern maryland electrician is your st marys county contractor

Let’s go fishing for an electrician

Most electricians are the ones who like to work with their hands without getting too dirty. It’s a trade where you have to constantly use your brains for mathematics, be precise, neat and clean. They are the nerds in construction. After they analyze your blueprints or assess how the initial circuits were installed he will determine where all the wires and other components will go. He will let you know if the existing wires need to be replaced with more modern ones or if a new circuit breaker box would be needed to accommodate new appliances. Especially if your home was built around the 1900s it is a definite must to have a licensed and insured electrician to do the job so you’re free from any liability; and getting the installments done correctly will be a good investment if you´re thinking to sell in the future. If they are re-wiring your house or installing new wires you will be seeing them fishing for the cables as he gets them all connected throughout the house. They use tools like conduit benders, screwdrivers, pliers, knives, hacksaws and wire strippers for installation and later on they use ammeters, ohmmeters, voltmeters, harmonics testers and other equipment to test all the connections, compatibility and safety components to make sure they are installed properly. As he works in your home he can also check if there is need for maintenance work to repair or replace electrical equipment. He may need to replace things like circuit breakers, fuses, switches or more wires.
He will have to maintain good communication with the other contractor or the person in charge of doing the renovations to be aware when he can come in to start installing the wires before anyone starts putting the make-up for the finishing touches. At this moment when the renovation contractor is ready for the electrician to come in for installation, this is the time where you as the owner should be present and observing. You may have another idea you found in the internet you want to incorporate and so this is your chance to speak up because after the walls go up it may be difficult to add something you wanted. However it’s not impossible. But as most electricians they want everything done in an orderly organized way to make sure everything is done according to the books.

A Good Catch

Whether it be installing wires for your new pool with a deck or adding fixtures inside your home to helping in a new living space your professional electrician is fully capable to leave you satisfied. They work any time of the day as overtime can be required when working on new buildings and homes. Their work may be strenuous and include bending conduit, lifting heavy objects and standing, stooping and kneeling for very long periods. They have risk injury from electrical shock, falls and cuts and that’s why you want an electrician who follows the right procedures to the minimal details and not making more work trying to finding short cuts. It can be hard to find a dedicated electrician, however luckily you have one down the street! The Southern Maryland Electrician Pros are your electricians that pride in leaving their customers satisfied that they have the only reputation to be fully trustworthy locally. No doubt, it’s hard to find a decent electrician these days but Kevin´s locally owned and operated team can’t let you down when you´ll be enjoying your new living space more than you imagined it. They are one catch you don´t want to let go.

7 Things to Remember When Hiring an Electrician in Southern Maryland

7 Things to Remember When Hiring an Electrician in Southern Maryland

We live in the 21st century and all of our homes run on electricity. No one likes the idea of a house fire in this century anymore than they did ever. It is highly recommended that you call an experienced electrician for all of your electrical needs. Finding the right electrician for your project is vital. Here are a few things to remember before hiring an electrical contractor in the Southern Maryland area.

1. Make Sure You are Hiring a Maryland Licensed Electrician

This is an easy step, but it is crucial. If something goes wrong because of the work that an unlicensed electrician did, you will be left cleaning up and paying for the mess. This includes on the job accidents or post-inElectrician Southern Marylandstallment mishaps. If someone is unlicensed they, nor their work, will be insured. Before you call to schedule an appointment verify that they are licensed in the state of Maryland as an electrician.

To verify that who you are thinking about hiring has an active license in Maryland you can search the Maryland Board of Master Electricians database by last name, city, or license number.

2. Verify You are Hiring an Insured Electrician

Just because you have found a licensed electrician in southern Maryland does not guarantee that they will have the proper insurance to protect you from any incidentals. Verify that your potential electrical contractor has liability insurance to cover the cost of any repairs. Also make sure that they have workman’s compensation so that you will not be liable if someone breaks a wrist falling off a ladder on your property.

3. Know the Difference in Electrician Qualifications

You need to understand the difference between a Master Electrician and a Journeyman Electrician. It is hard to ask who will be doing the work if you are not aware of the differences in the workers. Take a minute a read the main differences between an apprentice, a journeyman, and a master here.

4. Who will be doing the work? The owner or an employee.

Unless you are hiring a one man company, there is a high probability the owner of the business won’t be doing all of the work himself. He may have licensed journeyman completing the work. Or there may be an apprentice on the work site. Just make sure to ask if their work is insured and will be overseen at all times. If a subcontractor will be used, make sure they are licensed and insured completely as well.

If a different employee than the one giving the estimate will be doing the work, make sure you have the right number to call if you have questions or something goes wrong.

5. The Hourly Rate Should Not Be the Deciding Factor

This is an important thing to remember when hiring an electrical contractor. A high hourly rate should not dissuade you from considering a certain electrician. A few things to consider would be: 1) Does this include any warranties? If so, what are they and how long are they good for? 2) Does the high hourly rate include all the electricians travel costs, or will these be additional charges at the end of the project? Going with a cheaper hourly rate may not account for travel time and can add up quickly if your electrician has to run back and forth to the store because you keep changing your mind on a light fixture. 3) If someone is charging a low hourly rate, there may be a reason. Definitely ask for proof of all licensing and insurance, references, years of experience and training.

Basically, check the fine print and don’t hesitate to call around before signing any contracts.

6. Ask for References and Previous Experience

If you were the boss of a company and were trying to hire employees, you would not hesitate to ask for references and previous experience before making someone a part of your company. It is no different when hiring an electrician. When hiring an electrician in Southern Maryland you are the boss of your home or project. Do not hesitate to ask for references from previous jobs similar to your own. Make sure that who you are bringing into your home or onto your project has a good reputation for doing a good job.

7. How Does Your Electrical Contractor Feel About You Inspecting His Work

When shopping around for an electrical contractor, remember to ask how he feels about random or routine inspections of his work, whatever your schedule will allow. An inspection is recommended because it will allow you to get a good sense of the kind of work you are paying for. You may not understand how the wiring works, but if wires are running to panels or utiSouthern Maryland Electrical Contractorlity boxes in a jumbled, unorganized mess, be wary. Evidence of habitual disorganization and untidiness may lead you to hiring a different electrical contractor who pays more attention to detail.

A few things to look for: If you notice that cover plates are loose and crooked, that means the electrician did not take the time to put the utility box in the right place; flush with the studs and far enough away from the wall. If wires that are going into a panel box or circuit breaker look criss-crossed and jumbled, this means that it is possible for wires to have literally become criss-crossed leading to obvious issues later.